
Faculty List

R. Ravikanth

Associate Professor
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  •          Has done Masters from JNTU University, with SE specialization.
  •          Actively engaged in research in Cyber Security from Satyabhama University for Doctoral Degree.
  •          Guiding research/projects in the areas of Cyber security Machine learning Web Technology.
  •          Certified trainer for PEGA & JAVA from PEGA & ORACLE_ organization
  •          Member of Professional bodies like IETE
  •          Apart from academics, contributing with admin responsibility as Feedback Convener, NSS, SPORTS NCC In charge
  •          Developed Feedback applications and maintaining servers for entire college.
  •          Part of curriculum design for OOPs, Web Technologies, and MEAN STACK Technologies for Autonomous.
  •          Has diverse experience in both industry/institution for a period of 15 years
  •          Published papers on cyber security and machine learning areas ,in Scopus Indexed Journals and going to publish SCI level journals
  •          Has been working since 2006.